Basic Emergency Care (BEC) training for the teaching staff of Center of Excellence in Medicine and Pharmacy „Raisa Pacalo”

During the week of 7-10th May, 2024 a team of WHO’s national instructors conducted a Basic Emergency Care (BEC) training for the teaching staff of Center of Excellence in Medicine and Pharmacy „Raisa Pacalo”.

The modules that participants were presented with included simulation training, interactive and clinical scenario-based discussions and practical skill stations, with an opportunity to develop medical emergency management skills in accordance with ABCDE principles and international standards. They were also provided with essential materials containing clinical guidelines necessary to implement critical care services.

The course was successfully completed by 25 staff members of the Centre, who, in turn, will adopt the knowledge and skills they obtained in their respective teaching curriculums. Furthermore, the participants are invited to take part in Training of Trainers course in the end of May to become certified BEC instructors as well. This will ensure the continuous expansion of very necessary BEC principles in Moldova.

We are grateful to WHO for its commitment to prepare current and future generations of medics for potential health emergencies. World Health Organization in Moldova